Ogame Gazino Can ( O.G.C ) - Versiyon Tanitim Yeni Kurallar
____v0.83 |
- Kaynaklarinizi arttırabilmeyi saglayan hata duzeltildi
- Banlandiktan sonra bandan kendinizin cikabilmenizi saglayan hata duzeltildi. |
____v0.82 |
- Kayit acarken, hesap aktive ederken ve email adresini degistirirken gereken teknik ayarlamalar
- Gemi yapimi ve filo gönderilmesi sirasinda olusabilen önemli bir bug düzeltildi |
____v0.81 |
- Arastirma istatistikleri düzeltildi
- Kesif savas raporlarinda Rapid Fire da degerlendirilecek
- Silinmis oyuncularin ittifak basvurulari silinecek
- Kesif mesajlari dogru siralanacak
- Aktive edilmeyen hesaplarin alindigi zoraki- tatil modundaki hatalar düzeltildi
- Ittifak isimleri artik 30 karakter icerebilecek
- Arastirma görevlerindeki hatalar düzeltildi |
____v0.80 |
- PHP5 kullanimina gecis
- Depo kapasitesini asan hammadde üretimi engellendi
- Radar istasyonundan kordinatlara link verilmesi
- Insa listesinde düzeltmeler
- Savas scriptinde düzeltmeler
- Ittifak sayfasindaki bug giderildi
- Kayit acarken olusan bug giderildi
- Masraf görüntülerindeki hatalar giderildi
- Mesajlardaki [OIM]-Tagi deaktive edildi
- Oyuncu isimleri ve kordinatlarina link aktarimlari düzeltildi |
____v0.78c |
- Istatistikler gercek zamanli, akici olarak hesaplanacak
- Gezegenlerarasi raketlerin menzili arttirildi
- Teknik menüsü altinda ne icin ne gerektigi daha detayli olarak gösterilecek
- Savunma birimlerinin ve gemilerin üretimlerinde dogru güncelleme
- Casus raporlarinda saldiri linki
- Silinen ittifaklar üyelerini daha fazla bloke etmeyecekler
- Ittifak menüsündeki görsel hatalar düzeltildi.
- Spam olarak gönderilen mesajlara karsi önlem alindi
- Oyun ici mesajlarin toplam karakter kapasitesi 2000e cikarildi.
- Üretilebilecek yakalayici roket sayisindaki hatalar düzeltildi
- Gösterimlerdeki bazi hatalar düzeltildi
- Hilecilere karsi ek önlemler |
____v0.78b |
- Güvenlik güncellemeleri
- Daha kolay erisim
- Zorunlu tatil modunda degisiklikler
- RSS Feed ile alakali bug düzeltmeleri
- Veri bankasi performasinda gelistirmeler |
____v0.78a |
- Füzyonenerji Santrali: Üretimin yeni formülü: 30 * Santral Kademesi * (1,05 + Enerji Teknigi Kademesi * 0,01) ^ Füzyonenerji Santrali Kademesi
- Aylara da gezegenlerarasi roket gönderilebilecek. Ay`in savunmasina, bagli oldugu gezegenin yakalayici roketleri yardimci olacak. Ay üzerinde silo yapilamayacak.
- Commander icin RSS Feed özelligi eklendi - Geri cekilen arkadaslik teklifiyle ilgili mesaj gönderilecek
- Imparatorluk menüsünde ortalama degerler gösterilecek
Düzetilen buglar:
- Evren sunucularinda teknik gelistirmeler yapildi, sunucular hizlandirildi.
- Casusluk raporlari tekrar ittifak üyeleri ile paylasilabilecek
- Savas raporlarinda gecen kordinatlardan link aktarimi olacak
- Radarla ilgili bir sorun giderildi. Bundan sonra baska oyuncularin dönen filolari gösterilmeyecek: Aciklama icin forum
- Savunma birimleri tershane olmasa da gösterilecek.
- Durmak görevindeki "0" saat secenegi tekrar aktive edilecek
- Ay patlamasi sonrasinda ortaya cikan sorunlar giderildi.
Ay patlamasinin aciklamasi:
- Ay´dan kalkmis olan filolar, patlamadan sonra Ay`in bagli oldugu gezegene yönlendirilecekler.
- Hedef olarak patlayan Ay`a ucan diger tüm filolar tekrar kalktiklari gezegene geri dönecekler. |
____v0.78 |
- Yenilik: Kesifler
- Yenilik: Tüccar
- Savas raporlari icin renklendirilmis basliklar.
- Imparatorluk menüsünde toplam üretim bölümü
- Santral, maden ve depo gösterimleri gelistirildi
- Bazi genel hatalar düzeltildi. |
____v0.77d |
- Ittifak sayfasi tamir edildi
- Insa Listesi yeniden eklendi |
____v0.77c |
- Yeni Bilgi kutusu-sinifi eklendi
- Insaat kuyrugundaki hata düzeltildi
- Javascript filtrelendi. Javascript kullanan ittifak sayfalarinda görüntülenme problemi yasanabilir
- Resim olarak sadece .jpg, .gif, .bmp ve .png uzantili dosyalar kullanabilirsiniz
- Ittifak mesajlarinda Javascript kullanimi kaldirildi
- Roket Silosu yikilabilecek
- Aylarin alan sayilari her zaman hesaplanacak ve dogru gösterilecek
- Arkadas listesinde silinen hesaplara ait girdiler artik gösterilmeyecek
- Teshir diregindeki css-stylesheet düzeltildi
- 0 pozisyonuna uçmak artik mümkün olmayacak
- çesitli Bug düzeltmeleri |
____v0.77b |
- Bina iptal etmek yine mumkun olacak.
- GAR ataklarinda oncelikli hedef secilebilecek.
- Arastirma gorunumundeki bug duzeltildi.
- Karanlik maddenin , Subaylar Garnizonundaki gorunumu duzeltildi.
- Hata Mesajlari hakkindaki hata gosterimleri duzeltildi
- Terraformer ve Ay Merkez istasyonu binalarinin yikim zamanlari gorunmeyecek.
- Aylar , gezegenler gibi silinebilecek; Sifre girisi gerekli olacak.
- İttifak aramalarinda artik dogru puan ve siralama sayfasi gozukecek.
- İstatistik gorunumundeki Rollover duzeltildi.
- Muhendis ikonu duzeltildi.
- Galakside gorunumundeki 'Casusluk Raporlari' simgesi duzeltildi.
- Kaynak transferinden sonra cikan mesajdaki hata duzeltildi.
- Ufak guvenlik aciklari kapatildi.
- Koloni terketmeye calisilirken karsilasilacak bir uyarı mesaji eklendi.
- Aktivite yildizi duzeltildi |
____v0.77a |
-Gezegenler arasi roket ve Yakalayici roketlerin yapimi icin artik Uzay tersanesi kademe 1 yeterli olacak.
Giderilen teknik sorunlar:
- Filo gonderiminde deut harcamasi ile ilgili gosterilen miktar duzeltmesi yapildi.
- Sicrama gecidi kullanildiktan sonra hedef aya gecis saglandi
- Galaksiler arasi roketlerin artik hedefi tam olarak vurmasi saglandi
-Somurge silmede cikan hata mesaji duzeltildi
- Oyuncu istatistiklerinde tam sinirda olan 100, 200 300 siradaki oyuncularin dogru istatistik sayfasina gitmesi saglandi
- Bir oyuncunun kendi kendisini ISS ye davet etmesi engellendi |
____v0.77 |
- Frameset kullanimi kaldirildi
- Harabe alani toplanirken GDlerin tüm kapasitesi kullanilabilecek
- Yeni hata bildirimleri
- Aktif oyuncu göstergesi galaksi menüsünden casusluk raporlari icine tasindi
- Kücük bircok bug düzeltildi |
____v0.76c |
- Dinamik email adresinin degisitirilebilmesi icin sifre girilmesi gerekiyor.
- Hesaba giris yaptiktan sonra görülmesi gereken " * " isaretiyle ilgili sorunlar düzeltildi. |
____v0.76b |
- Kayit: Yeni kayit acmak ve oyuna baslamak kolaylastirildi.
- Hammadde menülerindeki buglar düzeltildi. |
____v0.76a |
- Artık oyuncuların tamamının istatistigi tutulacak
- Oyuna yeni katılan oyuncular kendilerine gönderilecek bir mesajla oyun içinden selamlanacak |
____v0.76 |
- Subaylar:
Artik Filo Amirali, Muhendis, Jeolog veya Teknokrat kiralayabilirsiniz.
- Ittifaklar:
Yeni uye alinmasi, uye ayrilmasi ve uye atilmasi durumunda otomatik sirkuler mesaji atilacak.
Ufak ittifak menusu gelistirmeleri;
- Roketler:
Bos Roket silosu kapasitesi , roket basimi sirasinda belirtilecek.
Toplam gezegenler arasi roket sayisi , galaksi menusunden firlatildiklarinda belirtilecek. .
- Buyuk sayilar �.� ayraci ile tanimlanacak. Ornegin:
onceden gosterilen 10000000 => simdi 10.000.000 olarak gozukecek
- Koordinatlar her menude link olarak verilecek. |
____v0.75a |
- Genel Durum menüsünde gezegen altinda hangi gezegende ne yapildigini görebilirsiniz.
- Bir oyuncu ittifaktan cikarilmadan önce islemin son kez onaylanmasi gerekecek
- Haberler menüsünde oyun operatörlerini görebileceksiniz.
- Gezegen siralama islemi impartorluk ve sicrama gecidi menüsü altindan da yapilabilecek. |
____v0.75 |
- Yeni gemi: Firkateyn
- Rapidfire degisiklikleri
- Komuta gemisi artik sadece 45k Metal ve 15k Kristal
- Artik olusan Aylariniza da isim verebilirsiniz, yani Ay olarak kalmak zorunda degiller smile
- Bazi kücük program hatalari düzeltildi. |
____v0.74e |
- Commander aboneleri, filo menüsü altinda standart filo sayi belirleyebilirler. Standart filo sayisi en fazla bilgisayar teknigi +1 olabilir.
- Drop-Down menüsü altinda gezegenlerin siralamasi degistirilebecek.
- Radar Istasyonu aciklamasinda istasyonun menzili gözükecek.
- Istatistiklerde son olarak ne zaman hesaplama yapildiginin zamani gösterilecek |
____v0.74d |
-Ittifak sayfasina oyuncu istatistiklerinden ulasim saglayabilirsiniz
- Aramadan arkadaslik basvurusu yapilabilir
- Commander: Mevcut olan maden ile uretilebilecek maksimum savunma ve filo sayilarina tiklamak yeterli olacak. |
____v0.74c |
- Tifaktaki bulunan Üyelerin Koordinatlarin Siralamasi artik düzgün calisiyor.
- Oturum Id Arkadas listenin linkinde artik gösterilmiyor
- 1.Kademede olan Binalar artik herzaman gösteriliyor. Sartlar yerine getirilmedigi taktirde bile. Gelistirme linki ise
-Yabanci ittifak resimleri artik her zaman yeni bir pencerede acilacak
- IP denetimini kullanmayan oyuncularin SESSION lari güvenlik sebebiyle 60 dakika icinde gecersiz olacaktir. |
____v0.74b |
- Basvururken ve isim degistirirken artik arka arkaya "bosluk" tusunu kullanmak mümkün olmayacak.
- Isim degistirirken de basvuruda kullanilan özel karakter filtresi kullanilacak.
- Ittifak sayfalari ülke dilleri karakterlerine göre yeniden ayarlandi
- Imparatorluk menüsünde depo kapasitesi dogru olarak gösterilecek |
____v0.74a |
- Casus sondalarinin tasima kapasitesi tekrar 0 yapildi
-"Durmak" emri uygulanmadan önce, hedef gezegenin sahibi oyununcunun noob korumasinda olup olmadigi kontrol edilecek.
- Ayarlardaki bazi kücük hatalar düzeltildi |
____v0.74 |
- kayit-prosedurleri duzeltildi
- hammaddeler menusu duzeltildi (yuzdelik uretim ayarlari)
- bina-insalarindaki ufak hatalar duzeltildi |
____v0.73e |
- ittifak sayfalari session keysiz cagiriliyordu, duzeltildi
- ittifak yazisinin tekrar etmesi sorunu duzeltildi
- opera internet-gezgininden koloni silinmesi sorunu duzeltildi
- ittifak logosu icin artik yandaki dosya-tipleri de gecerli olacak: BMP ( .bmp), PNG (.png), Tiff (.tif und .tiff), JPEG (.jpg und .jpeg) and GIF (.gif)
- ayni uzantilar ittifak sayfasinda grafik-imaj desteklemesi icinde gecerli olacak |
____v0.73d |
- Ittifak deposu uygulamaya koyuldu
- Insa, not ve ittifak menülerindeki güvenlik aciklari kapatildi.
- Üyesi olmayan ittifaklar otomatik olarak silinecekler.
- Ittifak istatistiklerindeki hatalar düzeltildi. |
____v0.73c |
For Commanders:
- You can now see how many ships or defensive facilities can be built with the resources available on the planet.
- When not enough resources are available for construction, this is highlighted in red. The difference can be found out using a tooltip. |
____v0.73b |
Galaksi bölümü gelistirildi:
- Simdi, galaksiler ve gunes sistemleri arasinda yon tuslari ile gezebilmek mumkun
Commander uyeleri icin:
- Artik mesajlarinizi siralayabileceksiniz
- Binalarinizin, gemilerinizin ve arastirmalarinizin uretim surelerini artik daha komforlu sekilde goruntuleyebileceksiniz |
____v0.73a |
- Uygulama kararliligi gelistirildi |
____v0.73 |
- Önemli program hatalarindan bazilari düzeltildi. |
____v0.72c |
Galaksi menüsünde degisiklikler:
- Kordinatlardaki bosluk karakteri 2 tanesi disinda düzeltildi
- Aylarin büyüklükleri gösterilecek
- Eger harabe alani yoksa link gösterilmeyecek
- Harabe alanlari icin kullanilan grafik ismi düzeltildi
- Email adresi degistirildiginde, bu adresin düzenli email adresi olarak kullanilip kullanilmadigi da kontrol edilecek
- Bazi kücük program hatalari düzeltildi. |
____v0.72b |
- Radar araciligiyla, isimleri üzerine gelerekten gezegenlere bakabilme
- Ay isimleri degistirilemeyecek
- Yetersiz olan depo kapasitesini haber verme. |
____v0.72 |
New Galaxy View:
- Improved, more concise design.
- Graphics for planets, moons, and debris fields.
- New CSS classes for inactivity, vacation mode, and banned.
- Simplified fleet dispatching in the Galaxy View.
- Player ranking is shown in the tooltip.
- Alliance ranking and member count is shown in the tooltip.
- Dispatching of probes without transmission.
For Commanders:
- Dispatching of recyclers without transmission.
- Status bar available with displays of the recyclers, spy probes, interplanetary missiles, and used fleet slots.
- Action icons can be configured in the Options menu. |
____v0.71b |
- Eger dinamik email adresinde bir degisiklik yapilirsa, sürekli email adresine uyari amacli email gönderilecek.
- Dilde düzeltmeler yapildi. |
____v0.71 |
Genel durumdaki filo hareketi haberleri:
- Dilde yapilan düzeltmeler
- Oyuncunun kendisine ait filolarin yükünü her zaman ögrenebilecegi yenilik(tooltip).
- Haberlerin görsel olarak dinamiklestirilmesi:
- Renkler sinif kodlarindan degistirilebilir
- Kalkan, geri dönen ve duran filolar arasinda, farkli renkler araciligiyla yapilabilen ayirim
- Mesaj basliklarinda ilgili filo hareketlerinde kullanilan renklerin aynisi kullanilabilir. |
____v0.70d |
- Yeni üyelerin ilk 3 gün reklam görmemeleri saglandi.
- Sonraki 4 gün ise normale kiyasla daha az reklam görmeleri saglandi.
Giderilen buglar:
- Saldiranin silah teknigi kademesi roket saldirisinda hesaba dahil edildi
- Ittifak savas sisteminde olusan filolarin konuslandirilmasinda cikan sorun halledildi
- Oyun metninde düzeltme yapildi
- Istatistik menüsü icinden ittifaklarin üzerine basilabiliyor.
- Radar üzerine basilinca otomatik olarak Galaksi menüsüne yönlendirilme sorunu giderildi.
- Imparatorluk menüsünde en sagda gözüken gezegenlerin de üstüne iki kere basilaraktan insa yapilabiliyor. |
____v0.70c |
- Statistics:
- Your name is displayed in green.
- Alliance members are displayed in blue.
- If you are not in an alliance, you can apply directly from the statistics.
- Alliance points are shown in total and per member. You can sort according to both.
- Clicking on Statistics automatically takes you to the section of the statistics
where you are located.
- The difference from the last point calculation is displayed in colour:
- green (moved up in the rankings), blue (maintained rank), red (moved down in the rankings).
- The exact change is shown in the tooltip.
- Search:
- Your name is displayed in green, your alliance colleagues in blue.
- When searching, the ranking of located players is now displayed,
these points are linked with the statistics.
- Inactivity is displayed in the Galaxy View for all players after 7 days.
- The pillory can now be seen in epicblue style.
- The ranking display in the overview is linked to the statistics.
- In the standard skin, there are now pictures for the terraformer and the
intergalactic research network. (Special thanks to da woife!) |
____v0.70b |
- Istatistikler:
Ittifak istatistiklerine, filo ve arastirma bilgileri de eklendi.
Istatistiklerde genel bir calisma yapildi. |
____v0.70a |
- Yeni bina: Terraformer
Terraformer gezegeninde kullanilabilecek alan miktarini arttirir.
- Yeni arastirma: Galaksiler arasi arastirma agi
Farkli gezegenlerin bilim adamlari bu iletisim agi sayesinde birbiriyle baglantida kaliyorlar.
- Terraformer ve Ay Merkez Istasyonlarini yikmak mümkün olmayacak |
____v0.69c |
- Drive upgrades:
- As soon as the impulse drive is researched to level 5, the small transporter flies at increased speed and is equipped with the impulse drive.
- As soon as the hyperspace drive has been researched to level 8, the bomber flies at increased speed and is equipped with the hyperspace drive.
- The new speed values are integrated into the ship description.
- The rapid-fire values are integrated into the ship and defense description.
- The attacker's mission is displayed for the defender in the overview. That way missions can be distinguished by the text. |
____v0.69b |
- IPR now cost half as much, i.e. 12.5, 2.5, and 10k.
- 10 anti-ballistic missiles fit per level of missile silo. Or 3 IPM and 4 ABM or 1IPM and 8 ABM, etc.
- Small bug fixes. |
____v0.69a |
- New Galaxy View for Commanders:
- Probes from moons.
- Direct DF harvesting from the Galaxy View.
- View spy reports from the Galaxy View.
- Sharing spy reports with allies.
- In-game messages to GOs blocked. Queries go out by email.
- Bug fixes:
- Error in the 24-hour ban is fixed.
- Delete colo without PW.
- Remaining credit for inactive status is fixed. -> Resources continue to be produced. |
____v0.68a |
- Deuterium use in mixed fleet units adjusted.
- Deuterium credit for stationary fleets.
- Left menu can be used via shortcuts.
-alt+o = overview
-alt+e = empire
-alt+b = buildings
-alt+r = resources
-alt+c = research
-alt+s = shipyard
-alt+f = fleet
-alt+t = technology
-alt+g = galaxy
-alt+d = defense
-alt+a = alliances
-alt+1 (number 1) = forum
-alt+k = statistics
-alt+h = search
-alt+2 = help
-alt+m = messages
-alt+n = notices
-alt+u = buddylist
-alt+p = Options
-alt+q = quit
Windows and Internet Explorer: "Alt" + access key + "Enter"
Windows and Mozilla/Netscape: "Alt" + access key
Windows and Opera: "Shift" + "Esc" + access key
Macintosh and Internet Explorer: "Ctrl" + access key + "Enter"
Macintosh and Safari: "Ctrl" + Access key
Macintosh and Mozilla/Netscape: "Ctrl" + access key
Macintosh and Opera: "Shift" + "Esc" + access key
Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: "Alt" + access key
All operating systems and Amaya: "Ctrl" + access key
- Statistics are calculated at 0:00, 8:00, and 16:00 (servertime).
- For Backups:
- Implementation of the attack ban.
- Implementation of partial fleet recall. |
____v0.67a |
- Small performance improvement. |
____v0.66a1 |
- Bug fixes in the ACS.
- Colony deleting was internally secured against errors.
- Skin bug in the galaxy is fixed.
- There is a blacklist for name changes. Leading and concluding spaces were deleted. The limit is now 20 characters.
- Alliance tags need to have only two characters. Leading and concluding spaces were deleted.
- Various spelling corrections. |
____v0.65a1 |
- New, faster combat system.
- Commander features: construction queue and empire view. |
____v0.64a |
- The Galaxy View can also be displayed with a skin.
- The buttons in the fleet menu can be identified as links again.
- Deuterium use is colour-highlighted (green when there is sufficient cargo capacity, otherwise red).
- No more four digit numbers can be entered in the fleet menu.
- Individual missions are also displayed reasonably in IE.
- Fleets are sorted according to arrival time.
- After launching a spy probe from the galaxy menu, you are automatically returned to
the Galaxy View. This also solves the problem of clicking back.
- Fleets underway are again displayed one over the other in the tooltip.
- There is now a small image under the membership list of the alliances for "Write message".
- The return time of fleets is displayed on the last page of the fleet menu. |
____v0.63a |
- More skins with names have been integrated.
- Small changes in the fleet menu.
- Various bug fixes.
- Universe 26 (and only there) ACS |
____v0.62a |
- Preparations for the alliance combat system
- Max button is available for resources. |
____v0.61a |
- For all players:
- Display of remaining cargo capacity in fleet dispatch.
- During fleet dispatch, all ships of one type or all ships total can be selected.
- Your own planets can't be selected directly.
- Spy reports can be displayed in their own window like combat reports.
- For Commanders:
- Improved message folder.
- Breakdown of individual messages into spy reports, combat reports, alliance messages, and other.
- Address book with members of your alliance, your buddylist, and the GOs.
- Notices can also be viewed via messages and are automatically displayed according to priority and time. |
____v0.60a |
- Options menu reworked
- Email link added to the pillory. |
____v0.59a |
- Deathstars now have more problems with destroyers and a bit weaker rapidfire
- Allymessages work again
- BB Code now also for visitors visible
- Some bugfixes |
____v0.58b |
- Asteroid fields are now deleted |
____v0.58a |
- Time shifted deleting of colonys. If a planet is deleted it will vanish after 24h
Until then there is a asteroidfield (A within the galaxy)
- Lunadisplay fixed
- Error within the 24h lock fixed
- Error within the graphic packs fixed
- Within the attack the loaded recycler won't loose it's storage due to the prey
- The weapon technology now influences the interplanetary rockets |
____v0.57a |
- Number of espionage probes that are sent within the galaxy can be set within the options |
____v0.56b |
- Sicrama gecitleri tüm evrenlerde devreye girdi |
____v0.56a |
- Within the CR now the whole and not only the effective strength is displayed
- Within the sensor phalanx you can only see the scanned planets
- Players with empty passwords are remembered to set a password
- If there is a fight with espionage probes there is no report sent (not implemented yet)
- If the attacker is destroyed within the first round he doesn't receive a battle report
- Deut production and the fusion reactor now match with the table
- Deathstar can now also destroy lunas when being launched from a planet with more then 500k energy
- Planets can't be deleted when stationed ships are on the way
- Space is now neutral
- Improvements within the Allysystem:
- 25 ranks can be set
- Membercount fixed
- "former ally XXX" now also visible for external people
- Set rights can now be sorted due to inactivity
- Groupmail can be sent to all members r ranks (needs certain rights)
- Founder change (Resign)
- Take over ally possible if founder inactive
- Online display within memberlist (needs certain rights)
- Allypage may be modified (Tags listed below)
- Foundername may be edited by the founder
- Limitations for applys (closed, open)
- Allytag/name change is case sensitive
- Joindate now works
- Buddylist has now online display
- Applying sample is now automatically loaded (if obligatory)
- You can't set higher rights if you are ally manager
- There is a internal allypage (eg. Board link)
- Automatically corrected membercount when ally founder opens ally menue
- Some little fixes
- Remaining characters for Notes, Buddy, Allys, Mail, Applying
- And now the tags for the allypage:
TAG - Function - Sample
[b] - bold font - [b]Welcome[/ b]
[i] - italic font - [i]Welcome[/ i]
[img] - Image - [img]http://site.com/image.jpg[/ img]
[fc] - Font color - [fc]#FF0000[/fc]Welcome[/f]
[ff] - Font face - [ff]Verdana[/ff]Welcome[/f]
[fs] - Font size - [fs]6[/fs]Welcome[/f]
- Some small bugfixes |
____v0.55a |
- Before each Lunadestruction a normal battle takes place. Only if the attacker wins
and at least one deathstar survives the luna can be destroyed
- There is a new option "Notes" which allowed to store important information |
____v0.53 |
- Fusion reactor now uses also stored deut. They need enough deut to work correctly
- During battles the defender can't send fleets (fixes security bug) |
____v0.52 |
- Savas sistemlerindeki kücük sorunlar giderildi |
____v0.51 |
- Soguk gezegenlerdeki sicakligin deut üretimi üzerindeki etkisi iki katina cikarildi. |
____v0.50 |
- Improved battlesystem (big battles should be possible again) |
____v0.49b |
- Non selected messages can be deleted now
- "go back" within the fleet is now removed (has never worked)
- Year is now displayed within the pillory
- Blocked users are now blocked immediately
- Graphics path is now limited to 80 characters
- Graphics can be edited within options (thanks to designers). If the path is empty the selectionbox is displayed
- No messages when espionage returns
- Noobs and vacationer can't be attacked by missiles |
____v0.49a |
- Interplanetary and Anti-Ballistic missiles are now online
- Now fleets can't be sent within vacation mode
- Bomber can now carry 500
- Admins are no longer within the stats
- Interplanetary missiles have now the double distance and do 1,5 times more damage
- Some improvements on the admin tool
- Little bug within the rapidfire of deathstars fixed
- Faster building within u2 / 3 deactivated |
____v0.48 |
- Ship construction improved |
____v0.47b |
- The bomber has now new values |
____v0.47a |
- New ship type (bomber)
- The deut production depends now on planet temperature
Hot planets can produce up to 1% more ... cold planets up to 20% more
- Solar satellite have no longer rapidfire against espionage probes. |
____v0.46 |
- The cruiser has now rapidfire against rocket launchers. A cruiser now shoots
approximately 5 rockets / round
- The attack now has too rapidfire. The deathstar shoots now within the fight more often
- Now battles up to 300.000 (150k u6) units are possible
- Bug within the search fixed
- Shieldbug fixed
- A scan within the galaxy now costs 10 deut to block scripter |
____v0.45 |
- Only one message when the player sends recycler to himself
- Code optimization
- The scan of the sensor phalanx costs now only 5000 deut
- Bugfix within renaming planets
- New graphic within the options menue |
____v0.44 |
- The path for graphics has to end with "/"
- Each day at 3.00am there is a forced logout
- Vacation mode fixed |
____v0.43 |
- Accounts of players that want to be deleted and have set the option are
now automatically deleted - When deleting a colony the luna will also be destroyed
- Vacation mode works now correctly (may be deactivated after 2 days) |
____v0.41 |
- The graphics can now be downloaded at ogame.de/ogame.zip
Within option you can set a local path to display the graphics. |
____v0.40 |
- Recycler can now transport onto lunas |
____v0.39 |
- Images can now be added
- Rocket launcher preperation
- Sensor phalanx bug fixed
- Small debris fields vanish
- Due to dragosan the fights have one bug less |
____v0.38 |
- Ships can now fly from the luna to the connected planet |
____v0.377a |
- In preparation for the NOOB protection the galaxy a week enemy is displayed green and a strong enemy is displayed red (if he is not within the vacation mode) |
____v0.3779a |
- Noob protection now only works until 5000 points and until 20%
- All players, that are longer then 48 days not logged are deleted once a day
- Displaybug within research fixed
- Lunatransportbug
- Messages can't be sent to the own account
- A bug that can create a luna with 82 fighters
- Colony can only be deleted when no fleet is connected to it |
____v0.3778a |
- NOOB protection online
Information for NOOBs:
The NOOB protection is only available for players with less then 10.000 points.
As soon as the NOOB protection is activated players with less then
10% off the attacking players points (green within galaxy)
and are not inactive can't be attacked. The new galaxy view
is now activated that you can prepare on what is coming next.
A few examples:
A has 2k points. B hast < 200 points. Players can't attack each other
A has 20k points. B has < 2k points. Players can't attack each other
A has 200k points. B has < 10k points. Players can't attack each other
A has 50k points. B has 8k points. Players can attack each other |
____v0.3771a |
- Password is now requested for deleting planets |
____v0.376a |
- The calculation of stats has been improved which opens possibilities for NOOB protection. The rank is now displayed directly within the overview |
____v0.375a |
- For players who have subscribed for enough programs on "Heft OGame" don't see any advertisement |
____v0.374a |
- Transport between two planets of different users is now called trade |
____v0.373a |
- Chances for getting a lunar are now higher |
____v0.372a |
- After big battles moons can arise
- Lunar base finished
- Buildings can be destroyed (costs resources)
- Debris field without planets can't be attacked or spy
- Sensor phalanx finished |
____v0.371a |
- Search field added for allys - Lunar reactivated (partly) |
____v0.36a |
- Error 6,7,9,,22 fixed |
____v0.35a |
- Error 1,2,4,5 fixed |
____v0.34a |
- Vacation mode activated after mouse over
- Instantly after finishing the research is activated |
____v0.331apl2 |
- E-Mail warning text removed
- Made resending password easier
- Recycler don't vanish anymore |
____v0.331apl1 |
- Building security bug |
____v0.331a |
- Suspend during session |
____v0.330apl4 |
- Deathstar has now better defense
- Some small securitybugs (send espionage, enemydeploy, building)
- first preparation for speedogame |
____v0.330apl3 |
- Deathstar had to week attack |
____v0.330apl2 |
- Security hole fixed |
____v0.330apl1 |
- Possible security hole fixed |
____v0.330a |
- The deathstar can now fly
- The vacation mode can now be disabled |
____v0.327a |
- The debris of defense is no longer added within the debris field - Espionage probes have now a lower attack- and shieldvalue (1% of the old value)
- The defender hides his recycler before each attack so that they don't participate within the battle |
____v0.326a |
- Vacationmode backend |
____v0.325apl1 |
- Error within 1000 points
- Report with empty names
- Recyclerbug (it's possible to collect more then 8M now)
- New bug within Allytag/name editing |
____v0.325a |
- Some simple hacker and script detectors |
____v0.324a |
- Planet change within events fixed (not done yet) |
____v0.323a |
- Dislplay for LV 0 storage corrected
- DB adapted to implement further ships
- Language bugfixes
- Shipsconstructiondisplayerror |
____v0.322a |
- Messages sent to single allymembers may be sent directly within the allymenue |
____v0.321apl3 |
- Allysearch within search deleted
- Searchfunction within Allysystem adapted
- An allymanager can only apply rights his rank offers |
____v0.321apl1 |
- Bugfix Allysystem |
____v0.321a |
- Ittifak sistemi eklendi |
____v0.312apl9 |
- Level of buildings and research has jumped or not been raised - Flying to coordinates <0 is not possible any longer |
____v0.312apl8 |
- Üretim miktarlarindaki hatali göstergeler düzeltildi |
____v0.312apl7 |
- Bugfix within the shipyard construction count
- Bugfix within the calculation of free fields after finishing a construction |
____v0.312apl6 |
- Go back when sending espionage probes works now
- Due to dragosan return works within the galaxymenue |
____v0.312apl5 |
- Fleetmaintenancecoststext deleted |
____v0.312apl4 |
- Cache deleted if building was constructed
- Nanite can't be built while ships are constructed |
____v0.312apl3 |
- Display of negative build time within the shipyard
- Logout page provides link to start page
- Shield dome error fixed. Can be built only once. |
____v0.312apl2 |
- Fixes for special characters |
____v0.312apl10 |
- Ittifak Tag'i içinde bosluk kullanilabilir |
Bugün 10 ziyaretçi (13 klik) kişi burdaydı!